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K-12, Special Education

What Families Should Know About School Busing

Family Support, K-12, Special Education

What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment?  

The process of determining why a student engages in behaviors that impede learning and how the student’s behavior relates to the environment. In other words, it’…

Early Childhood, Special Education

What is Assistive Technology?

As defined in the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA), the federal special education law, Assistive Technology (AT) is: “any item…

Special Education, Transition Planning

NYC High School Credentials

This credential (formerly IEP Diploma) recognizes students’ skills and prepares them for work opportunities.

K-12, Special Education, Transition Planning

NYC High School Diploma Options

Explore what is required to earn Regents, local, and High School Equivalency diplomas.

College, Special Education, Transition Planning

Transition Timeline

Here is a checklist to prepare young people to transition from age 12 to postsecondary life.

Adult Life, Special Education, Transition Planning

General Educational Development Test: Return of the GED

Formerly the TASC Exam, and now back to the GED, young adults may take the General Educational Development Test (GED) to earn a high school equivalency diploma.

K-12, Special Education

Specialized Programs

Specialized programs, like ASD Nest, are offered in community schools or at select District 75 program sites.

Advocacy, Special Education

IEP Teams

Learn more about what an IEP meeting looks like, who should attend, and how to effectively advocate for your child.