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Young people at College is Possible

Welcome to the INCLUDEnyc community!

Join our Project Possibility program. We’ll be in your corner as you plan for the future! In this program, you’ll work one-on-one with a member of the INCLUDEnyc team to set and work towards your educational and career goals. Yes, I want to join.

Participate in my Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. You may be used to your parent or guardian leading, but your participation in your IEP meeting is a solid first step towards advocating for yourself. Here is a tool to get you ready for your next IEP meeting. 

Plan my future goals. You may be headed towards high school, college, an internship, your first job, or looking for supports that will help you become more independent. Let’s break down transition goals into manageable steps together, using this timeline as a guide.

Develop my self-advocacy skills. Speaking up is essential to getting where you want to go! Here are some Project Possibility alumni with self-advocacy strategies for you.

Attend an event. Each fall, College is Possible helps students like you learn about the college admissions process and some of the opportunities available to you.

Community Voices

Tamantra’s Story

Tamantra is a participant in our Project Possibility program that provides transition support to young adults with disabilities who are finishing their secondary education.

For more stories from young people in our programs, follow us on Instagram!

Teen boys smiling at INCLUDEnyc Fair

If you weren’t able to make our online INCLUDEnyc Fair, view our list of inclusive educational and recreational programs.