The INCLUDEnyc Fair will be back in person on February 1! Register now.

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INCLUDEnyc female staff member with young child at INCLUDEnyc Fair


We share a vision of inclusive schools, workplaces, and communities for young adults with disabilities. Let’s get there together!

Book a free online or in-person workshop for your school, nonprofit, program, or workplace. Learn more about navigating Early Intervention, special education, disability services, and transition to better inform and support the parents, students, and young people with disabilities in your life.  Book now.

Unlock free professional development opportunities for yourself and your team. Our Career Launch program offers professional development on disability topics in the workforce and how to better support the success of young people with disabilities in their career goals. Register now.

Become a High School Launch partner. Working directly with New York City high schools, we help students with disabilities to develop self-awareness and self-advocacy skills to participate in their Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting and seek the support they need to be successful in school. Fill out an interest form for your school.

INCLUDEnyc has become an indispensable resource to me and the teaching staff.

Rachel D. High School Launch partner

Refer young adults for support with transition planning. INCLUDEnyc’s Project Possibility Program provides one-on-one support to help young adults set and reach their education, employment, and independent living goals. This program is typically for young people ages 16-26 with an IEP, 504 Plan, or any disability. Refer a young person today.

Consult an INCLUDEnyc family educator. INCLUDEnyc’s Help Line and resources are for parents, caregivers, and professionals, such as teachers, counselors, and service providers. If you know a child or family who may need an evaluation or further support, we can connect them to educational, therapeutic, and community-based services. Families can contact us for more guidance and information or you can call us directly.

INCLUDEnyc’s training helped our teams think more deeply about our support of people with disabilities in our programs.

Allison P.Career Launch participant

Advocate for inclusive classrooms. Nearly 60,000 students with disabilities spend most of their school day segregated from their peers without disabilities. Join the movement to create more inclusive schools! Retweet now.

Two women wearing INCLUDEnyc shirts stand behind a table with materials and an INCLUDEnyc tablecloth

If you weren’t able to make our online INCLUDEnyc Fair, view our list of inclusive educational and recreational programs.