For over 40 years, we have been serving young people with disabilities—and advocating for their inclusion in classrooms and our New York community.
1981: Founded by three women who have children with disabilities, we were incorporated as the non-profit, Resources for Children with Special Needs.
1983: We opened our doors to provide services to the community. In our first six months, we provided resources and information to 129 people.
1984: With one computer, we worked with Hunter College’s Department of Computer Science to develop a comprehensive resource database.
1985: We hosted our inaugural special camp fair featuring camp opportunities for young people with disabilities. This event became our annual INCLUDEnyc Fair.
1992: We were designated as a Parent Training and Information Center (PTIC) by the U.S. Department of Education.
1996: We published the first edition of “Information and Advocacy: A Directory of Resources for New York City Children with Special Needs and Their Families.”
2005: We launched the online version of our resource database, which is published on the intranets of all three New York City public library systems and the NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS).
2006: We were selected as one of two New York City regional sites for the new NYS Disabilities Advocacy Association (DAAN), developed with funding from the NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.
2009: We won a five-year contract to lead the Bronx and Manhattan New York State Special Education Parent Centers.
2013: In response to the citywide school bus strike, we rapidly provided information and webinars to help families navigate. We also won a major role in the five-year federal PROMISE demonstration project.
2013: We hosted our inaugural College is Possible event, aiming to broaden college access to young adults with disabilities.
2014: We won a five-year grant as one of six federal Rehabilitation Services Parent Centers providing young adults with disabilities and their families with postsecondary transition-related information and support.
2014: We launched our Project Possibility program, helping young adults with disabilities advocate for themselves and reach their college, career, and independent living goals.
2015: Resources for Children with Special Needs was rebranded as INCLUDEnyc, exemplifying decades of work advocating for inclusion.
2017: We became a federally-funded Community Parent Resource Center (CPRC) for northern Manhattan and the South Bronx serving Spanish-speaking communities. We launched our Spanish website.
2017: We hosted our inaugural Outdoors for Autism, a full day of fun sensory-friendly activities for children and young people on the spectrum.
2019: Selected by the New York State Education Department, we became the comprehensive Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Center for all five boroughs of New York City to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
2020: We rapidly responded to community needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, pivoting programs online, and remaining a lifeline to the community.
2023: INCLUDEnyc celebrates 40 years of fostering love, equity, and access for young people with disabilities in New York City.