The INCLUDEnyc Fair will be back in person on February 1! Register now.

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Policy Agenda

INCLUDEnyc’s mission is to promote positive futures and enhance the quality of life for New York City children and youth with disabilities, ages birth through 26, and their families. INCLUDEnyc empowers families of children and youth with disabilities with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to make informed decisions, effectively access and navigate systems and services, and advocate for themselves and other young people with disabilities and their families. INCLUDEnyc supports educators, youth workers, and other professionals to partner with families for successful, person-centered services, and to support and promote a family voice in the policy process.

Our free and multilingual direct support with children and youth with disabilities and their families, schools, and professionals shapes our policy priorities listed below. Our belief in love, equity, and access for all young people with disabilities fuels our commitment.

INCLUDEnyc advocates for:

  • Equitable opportunities for meaningful participation in all publicly funded programs
  • Access to quality public services, support, programs, and providers
  • Fully inclusive policies, practices, and culture within public service systems and for stronger accountability structures and transparency

INCLUDEnyc promotes:

  • Better learning outcomes to reduce achievement and employment gaps between non-disabled youth and young people with disabilities
  • Advancing independence, interdependence, and community integration
  • Increasing parental and youth decision-making, engagement, and partnership

For more information, visit us at, or contact Lori Podvesker at