The INCLUDEnyc Fair will be back in person on February 1! Register now.

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Love, equity, and access

Join us in building a more inclusive society!

Every young person should be fully included in school, in the workforce, and in the community.


INCLUDEnyc’s mission is to promote positive futures and enhance the quality of life for New York City children and youth with disabilities, ages birth through 26, and their families. INCLUDEnyc empowers families of children and youth with disabilities with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to make informed decisions, effectively access and navigate systems and services, and advocate for themselves and other young people with disabilities and their families. INCLUDEnyc supports educators, youth workers, and other professionals to partner with families for successful, person-centered services, and to support and promote a family voice in the policy process.


We envision a world where there is love, equity, and access for all young people with disabilities.


We are changing the lives of young people with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who support them. This year, we served over 16,000 people and we reached nearly 450,000 New Yorkers with outreach and communications.

Teen boys smiling at INCLUDEnyc Fair

100% of young people surveyed learned how to self-advocate at school and at work

95% of Help Line callers surveyed said the information made a positive difference

99% of workshop attendees surveyed received knowledge they will use


We ground ourselves and our work in the values of TEACH—teamwork, empathy, accountability, commitment, and honesty.


We are a community and we succeed together. We will achieve success only by partnering with each other and with others. Teamwork generates progress and progress defines achievement for us and our families.


We exhibit empathy because of our own experiences and by considering others’ experiences. We actively listen, we are respectful, and open-minded in our interactions with colleagues, young people, families, and the community. Expressing empathy allows us to build an inclusive community.


We are responsible for our words and actions and holding ourselves accountable ensures the quality of our work. We are proud to champion love, equity, and access for young people with disabilities, their families, and the people who support them.


We set high standards for ourselves, others, and our organization. Our lived experiences drive our commitment to shaping opportunities for all young people. Our commitment to learning promotes excellence and results in high quality work.


We build trust by conducting ourselves with honesty and integrity in support of each other, our families, and the community. Honesty enables us to forge bonds and produces our best work.

Join our community of supporters and help build a more fair and equitable world!