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How to Request a Preschooler IEP Review Meeting

October 20, 2021
Advocacy, Early Childhood, Special Education

You can ask for a Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) meeting at any time, in addition to your annual. This is known as a Requested Review Meeting. The Individualized Education Program (IEP)  team gathers at this meeting to review your child’s IEP and decides if it still meets his or her needs. Your request should always be done in writing. Make sure you get a confirmation that your request was received.

Below is a sample letter. Replace blue, bolded type with your information.

Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

District Number


CC: District CSE Chairperson

Re: Child’s name, date of birth and Local ID number

Name of Preschool or Early Childhood Program Your Child is Attending

Preschool/Program Address


Dear Name of CPSE Administrator,

I am writing to ask for a Requested Review of my child’s IEP. I would like to discuss making some potential changes on child’s name IEP because:

Some reasons you may include are:

  • My child has made substantial progress and his or her current placement is no longer appropriate.
  • My child has met all of his or her goals and they need to be updated.
  • I have new information for your consideration (this can be from private evaluations).
  • My child is currently not making progress or is regressing.
  • I have concerns about the supports and services that my child is receiving/is not receiving.

I am available to meet with the members of the IEP team on enter dates and times when you are available. Please let me know what date and time works for you. If you are unavailable on these dates, please let me know when you are able to meet. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Your name

Your address

Your telephone number

Your email address


  • You can find your child’s local ID number on the summary page of their IEP.
  • Keep a copy of the letter for your records.
  • It is helpful to attach any reports or letters from your child’s providers that recommend specific supports, services, or placement.
  • You can also request that the school’s physician, service providers, teacher, or school psychologist be in attendance.
  • Contact information for the CPSE offices and CSE chairpersons can be found on the NYCDOE website
  • If you haven’t heard from the school’s IEP team within 10-15 days, please call the INCLUDEnyc Help Line at 212-677-4660 for next steps.