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Special Education, Transition Planning
NYC High School Credentials
This credential (formerly IEP Diploma) recognizes students’ skills and prepares them for work opportunities.
K-12, Special Education, Transition Planning
NYC High School Diploma Options
Explore what is required to earn Regents, local, and High School Equivalency diplomas.
Adult Life, Advocacy, Transition Planning
Disability Laws: High School vs. Post-Secondary School
Learn about the differences between the laws that protect young people with disabilities as they transition from high school to adulthood.
College, Special Education, Transition Planning
Transition Timeline
Here is a checklist to prepare young people to transition from age 12 to postsecondary life.
Adult Life, Special Education, Transition Planning
General Educational Development Test: Return of the GED
Formerly the TASC Exam, and now back to the GED, young adults may take the General Educational Development Test (GED) to earn a high school equivalency diploma.
Advocacy, Special Education, Transition Planning
Obtaining Accommodations on GED Test
People with disabilities taking the GED (General Educational Development) test to earn a high school equivalency diploma may apply for alternate test formats and special testing accommodations.
Special Education, Transition Planning
Encouraging Student Participation in IEP Meetings
Learn strategies on how students can more fully participate in their IEP meetings and advocate for themselves.
Adult Life, College, Transition Planning
Choosing a Post-Secondary School
Young people with disabilities can explore post-secondary options, as well as services and accommodations available to them.