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Turning 5 Communications

October 20, 2021
Early Childhood, Family Support, Special Education

Each year, the NYC Department of Education sends out colored letters to help families understand what to expect as their children transition to Kindergarten. Here is a breakdown of what each letter means and when you can expect to receive it.


  • What: Welcome Packet 
  • When: Late Fall-Winter
  • Why: Packet includes information on how to apply to Kindergarten, an explanation of the kindergarten admissions and special education processes, what to expect at the Kindergarten Orientation Meeting (For children with Preschool IEPs), and parents’ rights. 
  • Color: Yellow 
  • Reminder: Check your packet to find the schedule for upcoming Kindergarten Orientation Meetings. Parents are highly encouraged to attend this meeting.


  • What: Notice of Referral 
  • When: Winter-Summer 
  • Why: Letter informing you that the DOE has referred your child’s case to a public school or Committee on Special Education (CSE) team. 
  • Color: Blue 
  • Reminder: This year only those students in need of an initial evaluation will receive blue letters. Preschool students with IEPs (including those who may need a reevaluation) will not get a blue letter. They will be notified from their child’s school written on regular white paper or verbally. Check your letter to find the contact information of the DOE representative who will be your primary contact during the Turning 5 process. This person will work with you to develop your child’s Kindergarten IEP.


  • What: Notice of Case Reassignment 
  • When: Winter-Summer 
  • Why: Letter informing you that your child’s case has been reassigned to a different team. 
  • Color: Pink 
  • Reminder: Check your letter to find the contact information of the new DOE representative who will now be your primary contact during the Turning 5 process. This person will work with you to develop your child’s Kindergarten IEP.


  • What: Prior Written Notice/Recommendation 
  • When: Late Winter-end of Summer 
  • Why: Letter summarizing the results of the Kindergarten IEP meeting, which will include the recommended placement type and special education services that your child will receive. 
  • Color: White 
  • Reminder: Check your letter carefully to confirm that the placement type and service recommendations discussed during the meeting are listed. Families may contact the inbox with placement type and services recommendations inquiries.


  • What: School Location Letter (Placement) 
  • When: Spring-End of Summer 
  • Why: Letter that includes the name and contact information of the school that your child will attend in Kindergarten and a summary of the special education services that your child will receive. 
  • Color: Green 
  • Reminder: Check your letter for the location of your child’s community school or District 75 placement. Make sure that it lists all the services that were recommended at your Kindergarten IEP meeting.


  • What: Specialized Program Acceptance 
  • When: Spring-End of Summer 
  • Why: Letter informing you of your child’s acceptance to a specialized program and confirms the school location that your child will attend in Kindergarten. 
  • Color: Purple 
  • Reminder: Check your letter to make sure that it lists the specialized program that you applied to. You can now choose if your child will attend the school on the purple or green letter and inform the program of your choice.