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INCLUDEnyc Creates Online Community with New Website

November 15, 2021
Press Release

New York, NY, November 22, 2021—INCLUDEnyc has created a new, multilingual online community and digital home for over a million young people with disabilities, their families, and professionals seeking special education and disability information and resources. 

“Our current websites have been accessed over 1 million times over their lifetime and this new multilingual, user-friendly website provides even greater community access to free resources and information,” shared INCLUDEnyc Executive Director Barbara Glassman. Members of the community will have access to a powerful search tool and resource library that can be filtered by age or topic. Users can also create a profile to bookmark essential resources or share events of interest with friends on social media. 

This new multilingual, user-friendly website provides even greater community access to free resources and information.

Barbara GlassmanExecutive Director

Additionally, whether it was the move from preschool to Kindergarten or high school to college, many students of all ages and their families have missed transition support and counseling during the pandemic. “INCLUDEnyc helps families navigate during critical transitions throughout a child’s life from infancy to young adulthood. The website welcomes all families to take steps towards accessing support,” Glassman explained. 

“We also know that our community has been balancing competing demands during this pandemic, so we developed a way to get in touch with a few simple clicks,” Glassman shared. Members of the community can find breaking news on the homepage announcement bar, learn how to get involved, or support a call to action. Users can use our new chatbot feature to make an appointment with an INCLUDEnyc educator. 

You can visit for more information. For assistance, call INCLUDEnyc’s Help Line at 212-677-4660 (English) or 212-677-4668 (Español). If you experience any difficulty in accessing any part of our website, please feel free to call us at 212-677-4660 or to email us at