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Key Special Education Documents

October 19, 2021
Special Education

Forms and Notices

  • The Individualized Education Program (IEP): a form that is used to document a student with a disability’s unique needs and the comprehensive, individualized special education supports and services that will be used to meet those needs.
  • Notice of IEP Meeting: states when, where, and who will be at meeting
  • The Prior Written Notice (PWN): is used throughout the special education process to officially inform families of what the DOE is proposing or refusing throughout the special education process. Topics include evaluation, identification (classification) of a student with a disability, proposed special education services following an IEP meeting, and placement, e.g. a school location letter proposing a specific school. When required, a consent form will be enclosed. Note: A PWN for a preschool age child during an initial referral for special education will also enclose a list of approved evaluators and procedures to select an evaluator.
  • The Procedural Safeguards Notice: a description of a parent’s rights and role in the special education process. This notice must be given to parents of students with disabilities at least once a year, including when an initial referral or request for evaluation is made.

Evaluations and Diagnostic Information

Evaluations provide information about a student’s strengths and needs to inform the development of the IEP. Evaluations may come from a single source (the Committee on Special Education [CSE] team or school based IEP team), or may include information from independent, qualified professionals. Information from multiple sources can be combined to create a deeper understanding of the student. Evaluations must be done in every suspected area of disability and are a necessary step in establishing eligibility for special services. 

Information includes:

  • Social History: a report written by the social worker from the CSE/IEP team, based on information from the family about the child’s early life.
  • Psychoeducational evaluation: combines psychological and educational assessments to determine how the student learns and their level of academic performance.
  • Classroom Observation: describes how the student functions in school.
  • A variety of other types of evaluations that may be conducted based on suspected areas of disability, e.g. Speech and Language, Assistive Technology.
  • Diagnostic information from a doctor, e.g. medical condition, ADHD, asthma
  • Physical Examination
  • Independent evaluations
  • Summaries of treatment or progress notes from independent providers, therapists, or tutors.

Other Documents

  • Results of any specific intervention or at-risk service the student received in school
  • Report cards and samples of student work
  • Medical accommodation form for specialized transportation
  • Medication administration form
  • Behavior Intervention Plan
  • 504 Accommodation Plan

Many types of documents may be useful and are not limited to those above. For information to prepare for your child’s IEP meeting, call INCLUDEnyc’s Help Line