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Health inequities for people with IDD: What’s in the works and what’s still not working

Thursday February 22, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
English, Spanish Interpretation
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Long awaited improvements to end discriminatory practices in our healthcare
system are in the works! Assumptions about quality of life, worthiness, and
discriminatory practices have created huge barriers to care for people with
intellectual and developmental disabilities and have often failed them. Join
Marco Damiani, CEO at AHRC NYC, and Cheryelle Cruickshank, Executive
Director at INCLUDEnyc, as they discuss long-awaited changes through the
recent authorization of Medicaid Waiver 1115 and changes to Section 504 of the
HHS regulations, prohibiting disability discrimination and protecting rights.

Guest: Marco Damiani, Chief Executive Officer AHRC with Cheryelle Cruikshank, Executive Director, INCLUDEnyc